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Trellix Professional Services Intern Spotlight

Every CISO I’ve ever met has a staffing problem. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to simply hire their way out of the problem. Recent studies show that college graduates are facing more hurdles than ever joining the workforce. It seems like every entry-level job posting requires 3-5 years of experience, although they’ll graciously count a 4-year degree as 1 year of experience. How are early career workers meant to gain this crucial experience?

Trellix Professional Services faces the same staffing challenges as every other cybersecurity organization, but we have some key advantages: We make the tools of the trade, we have world-class experts to cross-train and share wisdom, and we hire and train Interns. Trellix takes our commitment to the industry seriously, and we are constantly on the lookout for top-tier emerging talent. We know cybersecurity is #SoulfulWork and we are so eager to share our passion with the next generation. Let’s hear from Trellix Professional Services’ most recent cohort about the experience of interning at Trellix:

Could you tell us about a project you enjoyed, found challenging, and/or helped you grow while interning at Trellix?

Rayhan Borthakur, Undergraduate Technical Intern: “I have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to shadow various projects and client meetings with Staff Consultants. Gaining insight into the operations of professional services has been a crucial step in my learning journey at Trellix, opening new doors in the field of cybersecurity.”

Samuel Von Hagen, Associate Solution Consultant (Intern 2022-2023): “Interning at Trellix involved exposure to the many different teams involved with Professional Services. One experience that stands out was our time with the AESS (Advanced Endpoint Security System) team. We were put to work in the lab environment, setting up virtual machines to be used for actual projects. Working inside the Trellix suite of products made us familiar with the day-to-day of a consultant and gave insight into the engineering process. This was incredibly valuable to build from our prior training and get hands-on practice.”

Emma DeCarli, Associate Solution Consultant (Intern 2022-2023): “One of the most challenging projects I faced was creating a sales demo for the Professional Services Leadership team. This project allowed me to hone my planning and presentation skills. My manager, Laurel Callaway, provided guidance on how the project should appear if presented to a real customer. Completing the final sales demo was rewarding because it demonstrated my expertise in Trellix products to the team. Additionally, the presentation helped me realize my ability to pivot seamlessly during a pitch if the demo didn't go as planned.”

How often did you receive feedback during your internship? Can you share an example of feedback that was particularly helpful for your professional growth?

Rayhan: “In my one-on-one meetings with staff consultants, I was often quizzed on my knowledge of topics such as computer networking, data security, and cryptography. During these sessions, the staff consultants helped fill gaps in my understanding and clear up any misconceptions I had about cybersecurity as a whole.”

Sam: “Constantly. Throughout the internship, we would work on various projects. This included resume tuning, capture-the-flags, and a final presentation at the end of the summer. Each of these tasks would go through multiple stages of review, with continuous feedback. Laurel met with us individually each week to fine tune these skills and go over our progress. The final project was presented to the management team, where we were given immediate feedback from the leaders that we had been learning from.”

Emma: “I received constant feedback from my manager through regular one-on-one meetings. These sessions allowed me to connect with her and understand areas for improvement in my internship experience. Laurel shared valuable tips and tricks on how to de-stress when I felt overwhelmed, which significantly boosted my confidence. These small mental health suggestions enabled me to engage more effectively with anyone I shadowed during my internship. As a result, I became eager to take on more challenges each day.”

What kinds of resources (like training, mentorship, networking opportunities) were available to you as an intern? How accessible were these resources, and how did they impact your internship experience?

Rayhan: “I frequently utilized Trellix's online learning platform to take courses on various Trellix products, ranging from endpoint security to data loss prevention. These resources were very easy to access, and coupled with the virtual labs, they enabled me to gain a comprehensive understanding of Trellix's products with the labs helping me gain practical experience.”

Sam: “Beyond the comprehensive training courses, what I found just as valuable were the many people at our disposal. Thanks to the countless meet-and-greets with professionals from all over Trellix, we were able to grow a strong network with all these different branches of the company. If we had a question about a specific topic, there was always someone in that area willing to help. This broad exposure gave us the ultimate resource pool to make use of, as well as lasting relationships.”

Emma: “During my first year, I took training courses on multiple Trellix products. These hands-on sessions provided in-depth knowledge of each product. Laurel promptly arranged multiple shadowing opportunities for us interns each week, taking us to different departments to understand the day-to-day responsibilities of various roles. My second year focused on training for a certification process to further my role in Trellix.”

Could you describe the Trellix culture during your internship? How did this environment support a sense of belonging and inclusion for everyone?

Rayhan: “Trellix has a professional yet laid-back culture where everyone is approachable and willing to help. Meetings maintain a serious tone, but the people at Trellix exhibit a sincere demeanor. A truly welcoming and friendly environment that truly truly fosters #soulfulwork.”

Sam: “Incredibly welcoming. There is a noticeable sense of family already within the PS team and they adopted us immediately. To me, the all-hands meetings perfectly represent the atmosphere of the workplace. It is rooted in encouragement and community. Sections are devoted to introductions and MVPs where the incredible group is displayed. Working as an intern I felt heard, seen, and valued with this sentiment.”

Emma: “I often find myself talking about the culture at Trellix. It is the most inclusive business I have ever been a part of. I never feel intimidated and can always ask for help when needed. As a young adult, I was initially scared to enter corporate America, but I quickly learned that Trellix is embracing the younger generation with open arms. I even worked in the same office as CEO Bryan Palma, who always acknowledged us interns and took the time to say "Hello." This confirmed how welcoming everyone at Trellix truly is.”

Trellix internships are paid. How did this impact your decision to choose this opportunity vs others you may have been offered?

Rayhan: “The fact that the Trellix internship is paid motivated me to foster professionalism and proactivity. Knowing that my work was valued in this way pushed me to take on challenges with a proactive mindset and to always strive for excellence in my work.”

Sam: “It showed a certain investment in us. Being given this level of trust and responsibility fostered a level of professionalism. We could sense that our role within the company was respected and important. Trellix clearly wanted us to succeed, and in doing so invested in our future. This opportunity prepared us for what it will be like to enter the workforce. Tasks such as setting up payroll accounts, filling out timecards, and writing weekly status reports helped ready us for a seamless transition to full-time employment.”

Emma: “The paid internship at Trellix allowed me to see how much the company wanted to invest in my future. Knowing that my internship was paid instilled a newfound sense of professionalism in me. I understood that the quality of my work reflected my capabilities and motivation for the future. Not everyone has the opportunity to have a paid internship, and I am grateful to Trellix for investing in me.”

Tell us how your internship impacted your life, decisions or direction of your education and career plans?

Rayhan: “This internship has significantly broadened my career options in cybersecurity. It has made me consider where I would like to focus within the field, and it opens my eyes every day to new areas and opportunities in cybersecurity.”

Sam: “While back at school, I found myself constantly able to reference real work experience to what was being taught in class. It gave me a perspective on the field that would not have been possible in a classroom setting. It made me sure of the career path, as it demonstrated such an appealing work environment. As I prepared for graduation, my time with Trellix was able to fulfill certain prerequisites of the major. I was quickly given the opportunity to prepare for a full-time position. I look forward with excitement to what the future holds.”

Emma: “The business and problem-solving skills I learned at Trellix inspired me to create my own Women’s Technology Club at Stevenson University. Trellix motivated me to connect with those around me to address real-world issues in our field. During my internship, I always felt heard and found a team I wanted to work with after college. I was determined to secure a full-time position with Trellix during my final year because I knew I belonged there.”

In what ways do you feel your skills and abilities have grown during your time at Trellix?

Rayhan: “In addition to my technical skills, I've noticed significant growth in my professional skills during my time at Trellix. I've expanded my network and have started to demonstrate attributes such as critical thinking, a strong work ethic, learning how to be accountable, and adaptability.”

Sam: “Most noticeably, I would say my approach to problem solving. Cybersecurity is so broad in all the areas it covers, that it can be difficult at times to have a strong grasp on all aspects. Getting to learn from all the different roles in the company opened my eyes to the importance of adaptability. Especially with the ever changing landscape of the field, it is important to fine tune the skill of problem solving so that I am ready to tackle anything thrown my way. The countless exercises and hands-on experiences that this internship provided have made me well equipped to handle any situation.”

Emma: “The training I received at Trellix provided a foundation for versatility in my role. In the rapidly expanding field of cybersecurity, staying current with new skills and knowledge is crucial. I've learned to be agile and adaptable in any situation. Additionally, my soft skills enable me to confidently take on projects and connect with those around me. The most important skill I’ve gained from Laurel is effective communication.”

It’s no wonder Trellix Professional Services performs so well with motivated, high potential emerging talent like that! If you found yourself getting as hyped as I did, consider Trellix Professional Services. We offer various strategic and technical services that can help your team automate, operate, and govern your cyber defenses. Contact your Trellix account manager, or if you haven’t got one yet, let us know you’re interested. Tell them the Professional Services Interns sent you to start the ball rolling!

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