Trellix Cloud Security Solutions

Stay ahead of adversaries with increased resilience and agility

Solution Brief

Email is crucial for modern businesses. But its widespread use also makes it vulnerable—it’s the number one threat vector and main entry point for cyberattacks because it can be highly targeted and customized.

Many email security solutions today use antispam filters and antivirus software that don’t respond fast enough to attacks and leave security gaps. And with traditional tools focused on detecting malware, cybercriminals are adapting and using dynamic malwareless techniques. This can open your organization to risks ranging from wasted time to the complete shutdown of operations. To keep your email infrastructure safe and build a confident, resilient organization, you need a new approach that prioritizes email protection as a key component of holistic extended detection and response (XDR).

Agile, adaptable, unified email security

Conversation between two colleagues holding a tablet

Our partners

The open architecture that drives our XDR ecosystem relies on a variety of technology partners and providers.

Our partners specialize in trending security issues, technologies, and products, and they are supported by a world-class partner program and in-depth training.

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