Trellix Endpoint Security

Trellix Endpoint Security (HX) performs fast, targeted forensic investigations across thousands of endpoints

IDC Report |
Maturing Endpoint Risk Management and XDR Success |
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  • Prevent cyber-attacks on the endpoint
    • Identify attacker behavior and their tactics, techniques, and procedures.
    • Analyze live memory—without downloading memory images—to discover hidden malware.
  • Detect malware and other signs of compromise on endpoints across the enterprise
    • Sweep thousands of endpoints for evidence of compromise, including malware and irregular activities.
    • Enable remote investigation securely over any network, without requiring access authorization.
    • Collect targeted forensic data with intelligent filtering to return only the data you need.
  • Respond to endpoint security incidents faster
    • Automatically collect data and analyze suspicious activity based on alerts generated by your SIEM, ticketing system or other applications.
    • Integrate with other detection systems to automate triage of hosts with suspicious activity.
    • Support open IOCs to allow security analysts to edit and share custom IOCs.
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Gartner® report:
Magic Quadrant™ for
Endpoint Protection

Learn why Gartner® named Trellix—formerly McAfee Enterprise—a Magic Quadrant™ Leader.

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Take the next step toward living security for your endpoints